Sunday, May 23, 2010

"what worked and what didn't work"

Obama announces a commission to investigate the ongoing disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Quote: "I want to know what worked and what didn't work in our response to the disaster, and where oversight of the oil and gas industry broke down."

Two points here: (1) You're going to find out "what worked"? That will be a very short list indeed. (2) The "oversight of the oil and gas industry", if there is such a thing, is in a state of breaking down, right now, as we speak, with every passing moment. Whatever BP is doing to ameliorate the situation -- and I assume they are doing quite a lot (out of self interest, of course, not out of any kind of concern about the damage itself) -- they are expending even more of their resources in an effort to obfuscate the true extent of the disaster and to protect themselves against the resulting damage to themselves.

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