Wednesday, April 15, 2009

these teabagging parties

Apparently Fox News has organized some folks around the country to go out and protest today. What are they protesting? Your guess is as good as mine.

Since it's April 15, we can assume it might have something to do with taxes. The problem with this theory, however, is that taxes haven't gone up. Taxes for most people have gone down. Or have been offset by government checks being sent out to people. Obama has said he will raise the marginal rate for the highest tax bracket (which I'm quite sure has a high level of applicability to your average Fox News viewer), but only back to the level it was at under Clinton. Same with the capital gains tax. Seems like things were pretty good -- economically speaking -- during Clinton's presidency. But that was during the long long ago (during the "before time"), so the records are a bit sketchy, and, for all any of us know, maybe it was really like hell on earth rather than a time of relative peace and prosperity. Or something.

Anyway, I've seen where maybe the protests have to do with socialism. And here I'm presuming "socialism", as the term is used by Glenn Beck and his viewership, is actually a clever if transparent euphemism for "stuff that benefits spics and niggers". Which, obviously, is something we should all get very worked up about. So, I'm thinking we all ought to take the day off of work, grab our burning crosses placards, dress up in our best white hoods khakis and knock-off lacoste shirts, and take to the streets.


Gleemonex said...

Oh my god, I hope you heard Olbermann talking about it -- he managed to work in just about every bit of cock n balls wordplay in the English language!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It's rare that we disagree HTRS, but I have two gripes with this post.

1. "Socialism"- The Bush/Obama bailout is a disaster, it is, dare I say, "socialist" for our government to run banks, or GM.

You state that taxes will go down for some under Obama. However, we are facing an $11 Trillion dollar national debt. That's going to be paid with higher taxes, or by devaluing the currency (inflation).

You state that this "has something to do with taxes", being April 15th. I disagree. The tea parties have more to do with spending.

The idea that government should spend billions to solve this crisis only ensures higher taxes (or inflation) for future generations. If that isn't socialism, it's at least radical Keynseism.

Our government, under Bush and Obama, has the same answer to every problem.... more government.

2. Racism- These were largely Caucasian affairs, I'll admit that. But don't paint with such broad strokes. I'm not racist and I support less government.

Where some of the tea parties motivated by fear of a black president? Probably. But not all who want less government are bigots.